Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

It's the truth. When I take the time to meal prep it makes it a WHOLE lot easier to eat healthy and stick with clean eating. Even just having a plan of what you're going to eat helps tremendously.

One of my favorite blogs for recipes and tips is heandsheeatclean.com

My two go to super easy recipes that I like to make from their are:

Salsa Chicken and Power Meatballs

First of all the salsa chicken requires pretty much no effort. It is so easy. I make it and then put individual servings in zip lock baggies then put those baggies into a freezer bag and freeze it. The night before I just pull one of those out of the freezer and put some brown rice in a tupperware (or I use the minute brown rice cups you microwave) and I have my lunch for work. I also freeze the power meatballs as well. I use brown rice pasta and the Ragu LIGHT marinara sauce and throw those bad boys on top for a healthy lunch or dinner. Have any of you used the dreamfields low carb pasta before? I made some the other day and it was amazing! I just picked it up at walmart its about $1 more expensive than regular pasta. I may start using that instead of brown rice pasta or mix them.


Another idea for the salsa chicken is to put it over a salad. In this picture its over one of those Kale Salad Kits from Costco (don't use the high cal poppyseed dressing that comes with it). I just put a little balsalmic vinegar over the top.


I will post more of my recipes and food ideas throughout the next few weeks. TOMORROW is weigh day! I am pretty excited I think it will be a good one! Have a great Tuesday!




  1. This is great! I am always hunting healthy brown bag lunches! Thanks for the ideas.

  2. Meal planning is key for me too! I'm so much less stressed and just generally happier when I do it.

  3. Great job with the planning! Awesome idea on puttin it into bags first! I'm so going to try that!
