Thursday, August 29, 2013

One Month Old!

I cannot believe my baby boy turned one month on Tuesday. I feel like we were heading to the hospital to have him like 4 days ago. Time flies when you don't get sleep right?? Nah its not bad at all in fact I'm truly enjoying every minute of his newborn stage. You never know what life is going to bring and if this is my last baby I am savoring every sleep deprived moment.


Jack has brought us so much joy this past month. He is fitting right into our family. The funniest thing about him are how wide/big his eyes are when he is awake. He looks startled all the time haha! It's so cute!

He has given us a few half smiles while awake and those cute gas grins while he sleeps. I am so excited to see his first official smile which should be in the next few weeks! He still sleeps quite a bit. His awake periods are probably for about 45 min to an hour which includes his eating time. He is still breastfeeding great. However, I am pumping more and giving bottles every other feeding because if not he is attached to my boob all day, and I need to be able to give Hunter attention too ;) At night he wakes up 2 times still i'm hoping he drops the second feeding soon! His personality is much more calm then his brothers which I am very glad about! I'm sure he will get more feisty as time goes on's in his blood! ;)

Jack is a whopping 9 lbs 9 oz, that is 1 oz more than his brother weighed at birth! He is wearing newborn sized clothes and a few 0 to 3 month outfits but they are still pretty loose. He is in size one diapers. We're really not sure what his eye color is going to be sometimes they look dark brownish other times slate blue. So we will see!

We love our little Jack with all our heart! Even big brother is happy keeping him around!


Monday, August 26, 2013

Model Material...

So when my little guy was 9 days old we had newborn pictures done. I just got the CD back last week and they are A-FREAKIN-DORABLE but yeah I'm a little biased. Here are some of my favorites..






He did so good! Hunter came with us at the beginning to get a few shots and then him and Dad had a fun afternoon together. Jack and I had a blast (not...) I got peed on right at the beginning and my clothes were soaked. Plus she keeps it warm for newborn shoots (it was like 85 degrees in the house) so I was dripping with sweat and times. But it was all worth it. She is an amazing photographer...the photos speak for themselves!

I'm starting to get used to less sleep than usual. He is still waking up twice at night. Goes to bed at 8:30 wakes up around 2:30 wakes up again around 5:00 am and then sleeps another few hours. I can't wait until he drops that 5 am wake up! I started pumping and giving him bottles for his night feedings. It takes me about 20 minutes to feed him vs the one and a half hours it was taking me before! Score!

I'm going to be posting about my favorite newborn and new mom items later this week! SO exciting I know!

Hope everyone has a fantastic week!


Thursday, August 15, 2013

So Far...

So good. I LOVE being a Mommy of two. Yes its hard. Yes its tiring. But there is really no place I'd rather be than with my two boys. It's funny I wanted a girl so bad this time around but now that I have my little Jack I am so in love I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Things are so different this time around. I have no signs of Post Partum depression or even the baby blues. I sometimes feel guilty because I had PPD with Hunter but not with Jack. I know I couldn't help it, but it makes me sad I didn't enjoy his first few months of life like I am now. I know he will never know the difference. He has always been given the best care and most importantly loved more than anything, but I still regret not enjoying the newborn stage with him more. It goes so fast and if this is my last baby I want to enjoy it more than anything.

Last post I wrote how I was worried about being home with two. While it's difficult and frustrating taking care of a newborn with a fiesty two year old it is getting better every day. As long as Hunter gets his time with me he is pretty well behaved. And as long as I get my time with him I am a happy Mama. We are kind of getting a routine, but its hard to get a newborn on a schedule. So I'm just rolling with the punches. Hunter has school Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 to 12:00. Today we didn't get there until 10:00 but I call it a success.

Baby Jack goes to bed around 8:30 wakes up around 2 am to nurse (usually takes an hour he is a SLOW eater and eats A LOT), and then again between 6 and 7. He still sleeps a ton during the day. He is having a LITTLE more awake time and I love it. His eyes are so bright and wide open during it and he is just peaceful and calm and looks around. I can't believe he will be 3 weeks old on Saturday. He is still wearing newborn size clothes and diapers. Last appointment he was 7 lbs 8 oz (5 oz over birth weight,) so I'm thinking he is close to 8 lbs by now.

Now for some pictures that work this time!





I have the best hubs in the world, he helps so much!

Sorry so flaky with posts lately! I am thinking in about a month I will be back on track!


Monday, August 12, 2013

From One to Two

Wow life is so much busier with two little munchkins! All you Mom's of two + I have even more respect for you. While I know one kiddo is challenging, two is MUCH harder. Now don't get me wrong I'm loving life right now. My little guys are both such lovers and pretty easy, but I am going to have to get used to this whole out numbered thing!

Today is my first day alone with the two kiddos. So far it is going great. I got probably 5 hours of sleep last night so not too bad. Baby JACK (yes I forgot to share his name in the last post) is going through a growth spurt and nursing every 3 hours at night. Before he was going 4 to 5 hours at night, but I'm not going to complain he is such an easy baby. I'm proud of myself for making it through the first two weeks of breast feeding (the hardest part) Jack is doing great with it so we are not giving up. Next week I'm going to let the hubs give him a bottle of breast milk for the first time. It will be nice to be able to get a break once in a while.

In other news I'm still wearing maternity pants. Bahhhh.. I hate it. I think I would fit into my pants I had before I lost weight last year so I should try digging those out. If thats not good motivation to lose this weight I don't know what is. I also started logging in my fitness pal today. I have it set for 1800 calories since I'm nursing. I will see if thats enough and adjust it as necessary. I'm still too nervous to post my numbers on here. I will post before pictures soon I promise I just have been crazy busy lately. As for working out I'm going to start walking more this week. Then I will start my new workout program 3 weeks from now at 5 weeks post partum.

Now how about some pictures??

Anyways, I will get back to blogging more regularly soon! I am still working out a routine! I hope everyone has a great week!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

And Baby Makes 4!

Well sorry I have been gone so long (ok just a week) but I kinda sorta really had my baby boy!! He was born July 27, 9 days early. Today's my actual due date and I am so glad I'm not pregnant anymore...

All I can say is I had a MUCH easier labor than last time. He was born like 2 hours after we got to the hospital. I pushed for less than 20 minutes. MUCH better than the three and a half hours of pushing last time. He is also much smaller than Hunter. Hunter was 9 lbs 8 oz this little man was 7 lbs 3 oz 20.5 in long.


One week old!

So far I am a lucky mama! I am getting at least 4 hours of sleep at night before he wakes up to nurse (usually I have to wake him) (knock on wood), and he is breast feeding like a champ. He is also very calm. Big brother is doing great as well. He is adjusting and really loves giving his baby bro kisses. It is so freakin adorable. He is a little freaked out by the breast feeding thing though. But he won't remember this I guess haha!

This week I am getting back on the healthy train and eating 5 to 6 smaller protein filled meals a day. Were also going to get out and take walks as a family. I haven't weighed myself since having him. I'm scared. I am going to post some before pictures this week. EEK! I'm freaked!