Thursday, April 7, 2016

Weigh in Wednesday (On a Thursday)

Yesterday was a crazy busy day so I didn't get a chance to do my weigh in post but here I am now! I had a MUCH better week than last week.
Last Week: 189.4
This Week: 185.6
Difference: -3.8 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 39 lbs!
I stuck to plan hard core this past 10 days since Easter so I consider myself 10 days sober from sugar haha! But it's true sugar is like a drug to me and it feels so good to be off of it. I just all around feel better when I'm on plan physically and mentally. I also have more energy at the gym and in just chasing my kiddos around so its a win win. If I think of cheating again I need to remember how gross I feel after! It's so not worth it!
So this happened yesterday...I posted my before and CURRENTS on facebook. I'm pretty proud of myself for putting it all out there. Now to finish through to my goal!

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Home Sick

About six years ago Ian and I moved to a small town (Rupert, ID) and I was so upset about the whole thing. We were leaving the bigger city (Boise) and going to an area where I knew absolutely no one. I was about to have my first baby and did not know what was coming. I was depressed and longed to be back in Boise. Fast forward to this past year, Ian and I moved back to Boise but now I desperately miss our life back in good ol' Rupert. Over the past 6 years I found so many friends that had kids close in age to mine and that were just really fun people. I now miss those people and how much joy they brought in my life. These people helped me so often when I was going through Cancer and would come at the drop of a hat to help me. These people blessed me with good meals and good conversation on my weakest of days. Most importantly, these people helped me find God when I so desperately needed him in my life.
Now that I'm back in Boise I enjoy the bigger city conveniences and all that it has to offer, but miss my little town of Rupert. I've gone to play dates here with an online mom's group I found but found that it is just not for me. I think because I compare them to the play groups and play dates that I had back "home." On a positive note, I did find a church that has a Mom's group that has been great. I have made a good friend through that and am blessed to have found it. I still feel lost here though. My kids aren't in school and we go crazy a lot of the days. But I know I just need to keep trucking along and we will slowly find our niche here. Some day we will get into the swing of things and for now I just need to thank God and know that this is where he wants us for this season of life... 

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