I'm sitting here in front of my computer not even sure what to write about. The little dude is napping and my big guy and the hubs are out camping. The house is so quiet so I'd thought I'd try and get in a blog post since lately it has been super low on my to do list. Which has turned into my "some f'n day i'll get this done list" because most of it really doesn't matter anyway. With my life in "stand by mode" I've identified what is important and pretty much stick with that. My family and friends keep me sane. I don't know what I would do without them. My online friends are incredible sending me cards and gifts to cheer me up as if they know the exact time I need them. (Word for the pregnant mamas: Join an online birth month group through the bump or something. The friends I've made through that are AMAZING). My friends I've made that are going through this same journey are life savers too. They help me feel not alone in all of this. On my off weeks I do get back into fitness mode and try and fit in a workout and prep my meals for the week. It's nice and it feels normal. I hate my chemo weeks. It's so depressing just laying in bed being tired. But I try and make the most of it by watching Lifetime Movies and The Vampire Diaries. And it's not only the laying in bed that gets to me its the gross taste I have in my mouth all week, the steroids that make me super hungry and my heart beat out of my chest and the plethora of nausea pills that I have to take at certain times every day. But then day 5 comes around and I start to feel better. I get my energy back and all is right with the world again. I still get weird aches or bouts of tiredness but its really not too bad. And then I think "it could be WAY worse, Annie so stop complaining." So I'll stop. :) EVEN though I'm counting down the days until chemo is over...79 days to be exact!
they love taking selfies |
yep..got a new wig :) |
I'm glad I'll be finishing chemo on July 6th while there is still some summer left! Yes, I will have radiation but that is only a few weeks and will hopefully start it pretty shortly after chemo so for the latter part of August and September I can enjoy the warmth and just be with my kiddos. I also want to get back on a normal schedule and get my old body back. The steroids have not done me well and I hate it. My clothes don't fit right and I threw out all of my clothes from before I lost weight so I just wear leggings and baggy clothes. thankfully shorts with elastic waists are in style this summer ;) I gotta laugh just writing that! I can't wait to be posting about weight loss again and not cancer!
my new motto. |
I have been making some pretty yummy recipes lately so I need to get those together and share them! The hubby has really been enjoying it and most of them are healthy!
Also, one last huge thing is that their are going to be **BIG** changes to this blog coming soon! Super exciting changes that I can't even post about yet. I can't wait to let you all know!!
Thanks for sharing. Your part about the list and sticking with what's important got me!! I think we all need to live that mantra!!!