Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Weigh in Wednesday

Before I get into the weigh in I want to share how lately I just despise doing workout dvd's. For some reason I have NO motivation at home...zilch. The past two days I've canceled my date with Jillian and I feel like shit for it. I think it's because I feel like my time at home is spread thin. Between pumping, playing with the kids and cleaning my time after work is precious. It would be much better if I could go somewhere to run right when I get off and then head home so I don't have to think about it anymore. TODAY after work I am checking out the gym, and most likely signing up. I miss running so bad. The weather has not been conducive to be able to run outside so this mama is depressed. I also want to start lifting heavy. The gym near my work is pretty legit. If you workout 12 times in the month your membership is FREE, if you want to have 24 hour access you just pay 10.00. If you don't meet the 12 times the cost is around 25.00. So it's pretty good motivation to get your workout in! I get off work in the mid afternoon so I will be going straight there after work 3 times a week at least. I am SO excited to join a gym again!
Now onto the part you've (no just me?) been waiting for....
This past week I've lost 1.6 lbs! Not as great as my 3 last week but I'll take it. With hunters birthday party (I got chocolate wasted) and left over pizza I'm happy with my loss. So I'm just 7.4 lbs away from my first goal! Now the hubs needs to wake up so I can move a marble into my "pounds lost" jar haha!

So I've got meals prepped for this week and am going to continue eating healthy. I feel so much better and do not feel bloated anymore. I'm chugging water still and now I've noticed my skin isn't as dry. There are so many benefits to leading a healthy lifestyle I don't know why it's so hard for me...oh wait its because bad food tastes SO good!
I was browsing through Pinterest and saw this quote:
"The longer the shelf life the shorter yours"
So I need to remember that! Sorry no pictures today I am late on getting ready for work! Happy Wednesday!


  1. Great job! I totally want your gym BTW. That's way cool.

  2. Oooh, good quite. Thanks! Ive never thought of that!! Way to go on the weight loss!! Youre rocking it!! Did you sing up for the gym?

  3. Way to go on your loss! I'm jealous of a gym membership! That's awesome you can get it free just for working out! I wish we had a gym like that, and one that was near my house and open 24hrs so I could get a good workout in!
