Friday, September 20, 2013

Baby Weight Loss Update

It's Friday which means nothing for me because I'm a Mom! But I am linking up with Darci from The Good Life Blog for Five on Friday yee freakin haw!


I'm going to do all five about my new healthy adventure!

1. Numbers

As of Tuesday the 17th I had lost 5 lbs in a WEEK. Heck yeah! My real life friend Cait and I started texting pictures to each other of EVERYTHING we eat to stay accountable. Both of us are doing awesome she's lost about 6 lbs. We are just counting calories. Since I'm exclusively breast feeding I give myself 1700-1800 calories a day. I feel like I'm eating alot but I do not want my supply to tank.


2. Food

I have been realllllyyy trying to make healthy and mostly cleaner food choices lately. I am getting used to it. Top left is a salad with feta, apples, snap peas and grape tomatoes with Balsalmic vinegar. Next is a chocolate shakeology protein shake (my go to lunch) bottom left is a green bean, chicken, tomato egg and egg white omelet on a whole wheat wrap and then its a turkey and egg omelet on a whole wheat wrap (both of those are dinners).

3. Working Out

First of all I got an awesome workout program T-25. Its only 25 minutes...easy to find the time right? Well not for me! I've been struggling with doing it every day. But I make sure to get it in every other and do walks with the munchkins on the days I don't. It's really hard to find any time as a new Mom! :/ I know weight loss is 90% what you eat so I'm really focusing on that right now.

4. Temptation

I love sweets. Hunter and I "made" these sugar cookies today and I ate two of them. Luckily they were only 60 cals a pop...I didn't want to look at the amount of sugar though...womp womp womp! FAIL.

5. Cuteness: Bath time edition!

Ok I know I said this would be all about weight loss but I can't help but put pictures up of my boys!



Have a wonderful weekend y'all! :)


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day....

I'm so late on writing this post and answering the questions! The beautiful and super sweet Erin nominated me for the Sunshine Award! It's nice to know I can be positive once in a while... ;)

So here are the "rules:"

1. Include award logo in a post or on your blog (above).

2. Link to the person who nominated you

3. Answer 10 questions about yourself and write 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

4. Nominate bloggers to receive the award. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.

  1. What makes you happy? A yummy dessert? A butterfly flying by? Finishing a good book? Going to the bathroom alone...LOL a glass of wine at the end of the day!
  2. What song makes you sing your heart out every time you hear it on the radio?any Luke Bryan song right now I've been a country girl lately!
  3. Do you have a full set of teeth or did you have to have some pulled as a kid? I had some pulled
  4. What’s your favorite Tootsie Pop flavor? this makes me want or the pinkish red
  5. Would you rather go a year without shaving your legs or your armpits? gahhhh that is so GROSS Erin ummm legs I guess!
  6. What is your favorite kind of dressing for your salad?Balsalmic vinagrette
  7. What is your favorite app on your phone (or website if you don’t have a smartphone) BESIDES those social media ones (i.e. Facebook, IG, Twitter)? My fitness Pal,
  8. Which is better: Full House, Saved By The Bell, or Boy Meets World? eeeek a tie between Full House and Boy Meets World
  9. What kind of scent do you like to burn in your house? (Floral, Baking, etc.) the apple pie scentsy scent
  10. In your opinion who’s hotter: John Slattery (yummy), Vince Vaugh (adorable) or Matthew McConaughey circa 2003 (I die) since I have no idea who John Slattery is I would have to say Matthew McConauhottie! ;)

So I've nominated some of my favorite ladies. I read these blogs every day! (If you've already been nominated just answer the questions I don't think you need to nominate other people again)

1. Erin @ Homemade Happenings

2. Darci @ Strongly Feminine

3. Mel @ 4Kottez

4. Veronica @ Vwatt's Thoughts

5. Brandi @ Mama's Losing It

6. Cait @ Caitaholic

Now y'all need to answer these 10 questions:

1. You're at starbucks what do you order?

2. Do you and your hubby/significant other have celeb "free passes" if so who?

3. Peanut butter and jelly or honey?

4. Favorite workout machine at the gym or at home?

5. Favorite place to online shop?

6. You have 3 hours of uninterrupted time what do you do?

7. If you could do ANYTHING to your hair and you knew it would look good what would you do?

8. If you have to choose between doing your makeup or doing your hair what do you do?

9. Day at the spa or day at the beach?

10. Do you believe in love at first sight?

Ahh ok some of my questions are lame but I was seriously having a hard time making some up! Check back this week to see how my working out and eating healthy has been going! :)




Wednesday, September 11, 2013

That Feeling...

You know that feeling when you DON'T feel um how do I say this "fat" or "bloated?" Well thats how I've felt the past week since I've been eating healthiER and working out. My face doesn't feel bloated and I just feel better about myself. I highly doubt any of my work is showing yet but just knowing I'm leading a healthier lifestyle has this mama feeling dang good.

Now Friday was a rough day. Little Jack was fussy and didn't want to be put down he just wanted to nurse then cat nap OVER and OVER and OVER again. I tried to do my T25 workout THREE separate times and finally it was time to get ready for a birthday party that evening so I had to call it a day. I felt defeated, but then I thought to myself "hey you've worked out and ate healthy the past three days you're doing great, don't get pissed off quite yet." Well then I went to the party and ate some cake..shit. But today I still feel great. I'm not going to deprive myself of everything...I'm not going to have cake at my house...but at a party I will have a piece.

I got back into my workouts and felt better. With a newborn some days are just not going to work to work out. He is more important. Most days will work great but on those fussy days I will try but not get mad if it doesn't work.




Being a mom of two is tough cookies but I love my boys. They are my first priority but I can always find ways to squeeze my workout in on most days. Thats part of keeping that feeling, finding ways to fit in your workout at least MOST of the time. Plus eating healthy. And on days I miss my workout I better make damn sure I don't shove cake in my mouth. :)




Now onto the cuteness:




Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back on the Saddle

It feels so good to be working out and eating healthy again. This week I started Shaun T's T25 workout program and it is insane! I hate it and love it at the same time. This week and next week I'm doing the modified versions of most things and then after that I'm full on. But even with doing the modifications it is really hard! I am SO sweaty afterwards. Luckily its only 25 minutes so I have plenty of time to shower after I do it while the boys are napping.

I've also done really well with my eating the past two days. I am going to lose at LEAST 4% for Skinny Meg's diet bet this month but I'm going to raise my goal to 10 lbs by October 1st I should be able to do it with the combination of eating healthy, working out and breast feeding.

Mel got me on the 30 day plank challenge band wagon...and let me tell ya just holding it for 20 seconds was hard for me...ughhhh I hate being out of shape. BUT that is changing by the end of this month I will be a whole new woman. I mean I will have a long way to go but it will be a great start!

Goals for September:

  • Lose at LEAST 4% for SM's diet bet...but hoping to lose more than that (10lbs).
  • Continue with T25 this month and next.
  • Finish that tortorous plank challenge.
  • Keep eating healthy (planning meals etc)...

And now for some cute pictures of my munchkins!

Hunter showing me his "wormy worm"

the hubs burping little Jack he is like "help me..."


I hope everyone has a great Thursday!!


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Few Things...and a diet bet!

Since I have been posting so much about baby I decided to change things up and finally post about health and fitness.


1. Diet Bet....What what?!?!

I am joining in on Skinny Meg's diet bet! YOU should too! It's a 25.00 buy in and theres like 10,000 PLUS in the pot already. ALL you have to do to win a chunk of that dough is lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks!

2. Couch to 5k!

Last August I started C25K which seriously helped me lose weight big time. I am happy to say I started again this week! It feels SO good.

3. Jamie Eason's Turkey Muffins

This recipe is so good! It makes 12 turkey meatloaf muffins. I made them last week and they turned out great. You can freeze them in two's and then nuke them for a healthy lunch! Making them again this week.

4. Meal Prep Sunday

I am starting meal prep this Sunday. I'm making the turkey muffins (above), cutting up my veggies, cooking chicken for wraps and salads and making some brown rice. I am going to lose at least 4% during this diet bet.

5. I am also going to start weighing in weekly again and posting about it yay!

6. At the end of the diet bet I will post before/after pictures. yee haawww!

7. My workouts for September will consist of Couch25k and Shaun T's new T25 workout from beachbody!

8. Oh...I am kind of pissed that it's September and Summer is almost over! :(

Anyone else doing the diet bet? Who has done one did it go?