My sweet, incredibly amazing, smart and super cute baby big boy is 2 and a half today! As cliche as it is, I can't believe how time flies! I feel like I hardly remember when he was a newborn. I know its not his full birthday but being 8 months pregnant I am overly emotional and just need to do this. I decided to write a little letter to him.
Dear 2 and a half year old Hunter,
I don't even know where to begin. I remember the day you were born so tiny (relatively speaking you were over 9 pounds,) and so dependent on me. Now, you want your own independence and want to do things yourself. I stand by looking and wondering when did this happen? When did my swaddled up bundle of joy become this tall and handsome little boy? You say the funniest things. Things that I wouldn't imagine a 2 year old even knowing. I really think you will be voted class clown with how much of a character you are. You are also so smart. I know I'm biased but your teacher even says how she can't believe your only 2 since you work with the 4 year olds! You know all your letters and sounds, you can count to 14 then skip to 17 and count to 20, colors (well you've known those for at least a year), shapes (even trapezoids and ones I don't remember) and some Spanish (thanks Dora and Diego)!
You are the most caring and loving little man. Since I haven't been feeling well or just really tired through these last weeks of pregnancy you have been so thoughtful and gentle with me. You come up and ask if I'm okay and give me kisses and hugs and all the cuddles I want. I can't wait to see you and your baby brother together. I know you are going to be the best big brother and teach him so many things!
I know that I learn so much more from you then you from me. You have taught me patience and even more importantly how to just stop and take a look at all the beautiful things in life that us adults tend to miss. I am so lucky to be your Mommy.
Always remember how proud I am of you, and never ever forget that I will always be here for you no matter what. Mommy and Papa both love you so much.
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