Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Easy Pumpkin Rolls!

Oh my goodness...I have always loved these things. I would see people bring them to work for pot lucks and would totally go right to that dish and hoard like 8 slices. Seriously. BUT I was always too intimidated to make them myself. I never understood the rolling part until this past Saturday when I went over to my boss's friends house and she showed me how! So I ended up making 5 rolls, well I guess I made 4 she made the 1st one while I was a weirdo taking pictures of her. I gave some to the neighbors and froze the rest and am bringing them home for Turkey Day. 

Here they are all cut up and perty!                               

Ok so I don't know where my boss got this recipe it was just written down but it is AMAZING.

For the roll part:
Just put all ingredients in a bowl and beat until combined (about 45 seconds or less with an electric mixer.)
-3 eggs
-1 cup sugar
-2/3 cup pumpkin (we put a couple more spoonfulls in)
-1 tsp lemon juice
-3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
-1 tsp baking soda
-a little cinnamon
-1/4 tsp cloves (if you want)
1 package cream cheese (softened)
3 tblsp butter (softened)
1 cup powdered sugar
Put all into a bowl and beat with electric mixer

It will look like this:
Then Spread out in a pan lined with parchment paper and the sides sprayed with cooking spray:
Bake at 375 for 15 minutes

Right after you take it out of the oven carefully turn pan over and "dump" the cake onto a flour sack cloth heavily sprinkled with powdered sugar:
Then carefully peel the parchment paper off the cake. It doesn't have to be perfect the frosting will go over this part, using a knife helps:
Now onto the part I was scared about. Fold the end of the cloth over the end of the cake and carefully begin to roll. Do this while the cake is still warm. You want to get the parchment paper off and do this step right away:
Then put in the fridge while you go mix up another one and put it in the oven or just wait about 30 ish minutes until it is relatively cool and unroll the cake. Then spread your cream cheese frosting:
Right after frosting roll that biotch back up and your done! You can eat immediately, cut it and wait to eat or freeze it. If freezing wrap in plastic wrap then foil and freeze! :) These make great gifts for friends, co workers, neighbors pretty much anyone!!

Now, I wish I could tell you that these are low calorie but obviously they're not...they're damn good!
So go on and try it if worst comes to worst you have pumpkin cake and cream cheese frosting that are to die! :)
A BIGGGG thanks to my friend Ramie for helping me out with this. Now I get to pass on my new found knowledge to my mama. 
Happy Turkey Day Eve hookers!



  1. I am keeping this recipe around - love.

  2. I am so going to make this! Thanks.

  3. I have always wondered how that works!! I may have to try it! You are right, not low cal, but damn good! lol. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. That looks delicious!!!! Pumpkin Rolls are yummy, but I think they're difficult to make - yours looks flawless. <3

  5. I would eat this shit up, but that looks like too much work for this lazy momma! Ha! Happy Turkey Eve!!

  6. My November is complete! Thank you so much for this recipe!!!!

  7. I nominated you for a Liebster award.
