Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday

Well it's that time of the week again, and this time I'm keeping it short and sweet. Mainly because I'm really tired and my weigh in was just ehhh...I lost .8 lbs this week. Yes it is a loss I know but I don't round up it's not a whole damn pound. But on the bright side I am going in the right direction.

I was going to do some progress pictures but maybe this weekend when I post? I'm still way nervous to post them but I know you will see a big difference.

Running. Well learning to run longer distances is going GREAT. I'm obsessed I love it and I look forward to my run/walk every day. I am on Week 4 C25K and feeling good. I officially signed up for the Color Run in Boise, ID on October 27th! So stoked and I get to run it on a pretty awesome team with some pretty awesome people! So funny story, when I was signing up I asked my friend what team name to sign up under...she said Team LeVar-Burton. I was like oh ok didn't think anything of it I thought it was a work team or something. That was until she posted this...
TOTALLY get it now! (The reading rainbows guy name is LeVar Burton) :) :) 

1.) Stay on track with the running plan
2.) Drink more water
3.) Track calories better

Sorry so short and kind of blah! I'm just not in the best of moods tonight. I'm going to go enjoy some wine (gasp) and watch Army Wives. 

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